Buy NCLEX exam questions and answers by looking for free NCLEX questions. We have hundreds of free questions for your test prep and review. These are challenging NCLEX practice questions with instant scoring. All of our questions include detailed explanations so you can learn from your mistakes. These review questions will help you prepare for either the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN. Our practice tests have 75 questions each, and they cover all of the topics. To focus on a specific topic, choose from the category listing. Start your test prep right now with our free NCLEX questions

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  1. NCLEX Practice Test 1
  2. NCLEX Practice Test 2
  3. NCLEX Practice Test 3



The National Council License Examination is more commonly known as the NCLEX exam. This test is for the licensing of nurses in the U.S.A  and Canada, and it is taken after graduating from nursing school. There are two different versions of this nursing exam, the NCLEX-PN and the NCLEX-RN.

You will take the NCLEX-RN to obtain your registered nursing license, which is also known as the RN License. The NCLEX-PN is for the licensing of vocational or practical nurses, also known as LPN License.

The tests are in CAT format, which stands for Computerized Adaptive Testing. This type of test adapts to your abilities, asking more difficult questions as you get correct answers. This type of testing measures your ability more quickly, with fewer questions. It also reduces the advantage of guessing, The CAT format also allows more types of questions. In addition to regular multiple-choice, they also have alternate item formats. These include ordered responses, fill-in-the-blank calculations, hot spots, and multiple responses.

The NCLEX-RN has between 75 and 265 questions. If you are doing extremely well or extremely poorly, the test will stop after 75 questions, and you will be given your score. At most, you may have to answer up to 265 questions, as the computer works to evaluate your overall abilities and knowledge. The time limit is 6 hours. The NCLEX-PN has between 85 and 205 questions The time limit for this exam is 5 hours.

These are both very challenging exams, so you will want to spend a lot of time on your test prep and review. One of the best ways to prepare is with NCLEX practice questions. You should work through these questions very carefully and study the explanations when you get a wrong answer. Get started right now with our free NCLEX questions